January 2025
The Cambrian area of San Jose just north of Hwy 85 and east of Hwy 17/880. Strong elementary schools and relatively affordable prices makes this a very popular area. Click on the following links for information on The San Jose-Cambrian Community and Schools.
The median price for a home in Cambrian area rose 8.6% in 2024. The annual rate of appreciation for San Jose-Cambrian homes has averaged 7.1% per year since 1998 (CAGR) and has more than doubled over the past 10 years.
Market demand for Cambrian homes remains strong. New listings are selling quickly with the Average Days on Market (red line) at historically low levels. Final sales prices (blue line) over list have risen dramatically to historic highs.
The supply of New Listings (blue line) shows some signs of improving but is still 25% lower than 2012-22 levels.
Cambrian homes are mostly in the $1M to $2M range.
The chart above shows the distribution by both size (SQFT) and the corresponding $/SQFT. This also gives you an idea of home sizes in Cambrian.
Quarterly Median Prices provides insight into the annual averages.
Keep in mind that the fluctuation may be due to a change in the mix of homes selling in a particular month, not necessarily changes in home values, and that median prices are reported after escrow closes, so monthly values typically lag the actual sale by one month.
The monthly average Days on Market is seasonal with Nov-Jan typically being the longest.
The monthly average sales price over/under list price percentage suggests the number of competing offers.
Homes selling within the first 10 days on market are typically selling for well over list.
The monthly supply of new listings is seasonal with December typically being the low-point during the year.
The Inventory of Active listings is as of month-end.
The monthly number of Sales is also seasonal.
Source: The data above is obtained directly from MLSlistings, the multiple listing service (MLS) serving Santa Clara and San Mateo counties. The information is deemed to be accurate, however is not guaranteed.